Wednesday, November 12, 2008

'Black Tuesday' — Waihi Nov. 12, 1912

The above poster is from a series I'm undertaking on radical history, specifically New Zealand events. I was asked by Justseeds, a radical co-op in the US to contribute to their People's History Project, and I decided to concentrate on Waihi. However, we decided it was kind of negative and that victories by labour/radical movements are often overlooked, so I think I may do a new poster on the 8 hour work day and NZ. Not sure yet…

The text on the poster reads:
AOTEAROA / NEW ZEALAND On Black Tuesday — November 12th, 1912 — the New Zealand Police and their ‘organised thugs’ stormed the Miners Workers Union Hall, stronghold of Waihi unionists on strike against the existence of a rival union, believed by many to have been assisted by the Waihi Gold Mining Company. Frederick George Evans was beaten to the ground by a policeman and left to die in the local police cell — resulting in New Zealand’s first official death during an industrial dispute and effectively ending the Waihi Strike. Loyal unionists, women and children were then rounded up and driven out of Waihi by ‘scabs’ while police looked on and did nothing.

For more info on the Waihi Strike, check out the following books and sites:
"The Red and The Gold" by Stanley Roche
"The Red Feds" by Erik Olssen
The Tragic Story of the Waihi Strike" by NZ Federation of Labour


Asher said...

If you're looking for something positive, I reckon you should just adjust/add some text to the Blackball poster you did - I really, really like that one (and yes, this is also me saying if you have any spares I'd kill for one ;) )

Anonymous said...

poster archived on the radical activism visual archive:

Allergy Alice said...

have a look at the poster for 'black tuesday' by Theatre Militia. A play made in 2008. Same issue, totally different design!

is yours being used?

Jared Davidson said...

Hi, its being used by myself, but not for anything in specific. I tried to find that poster when I started this but I couldn't, as I heard it had just been performed. I'll try and find it now...
