"Fire Your Boss!"... "Abolish the wage system!"
With their revolutionary slogans, union cards, and a swag of 'silent agitators' (stickers, posters etc), the Industrial Workers of the World, aka the Wobblies, took to organizing the working class into the 'OBU' (one big union). In the process of challenging capitalism and fighting for workplace democracy, the Wobblies were one of the few unions to be racially and sexually integrated, and were often met with imprisonment, violence, and the privations of prolonged strikes. Their influence was worldwide, having an effect on New Zealand's militant labour unions of the early 20th century and Aotearoa struggles such as the 1912 Waihi Strike.
Beyond Resistance is proud to present
The Wobblies, an award-winning film which takes a provocative look at the history of this radical union and the concepts of Revolutionary Unionsim, screening the unforgettable and still-fiery voices of Wobbly members — lumberjacks, migratory workers, and silk weavers —in their 70s, 80s, and 90s. Eerily echoing current times,
The Wobblies boldly investigates a world torn by naked corporate greed and the red-hot rift between the industrial masters and the rabble-rousing workers in the field and factory. Replete with song and gorgeous archival footage, the film pays tribute to workers who took the ideals of equality and free speech seriously enough to die for them.
And as a special treat, we will also be screening the world premier of
Black Tuesday, a short film on the Waihi Strike of 1912 — one of Aotearoa's most violent (and fatal) industrial struggles.
Watch the Wobblies trailer here:
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Y5l7uwtqkqUFood, drinks and childcare will be provided, so come on down and join your local anarchists as part of our monthly film nights at the WEA! Zines, books and more will also be available on the night thanks to the lovely folks at Katipo Books.
Thursday 24 September, 6.30pm.WEA (59 Gloucester Street), Otautahi/Christchurch.
Entry by Koha/donation.
Film length: 86 minutes
For more information contact:
otautahianarchists (at )gmail.com
http://beyondresistance.wordpress.com/See you then!