Friday, November 7, 2008

EnageMedia: alternative video and documentaries

I was put onto this site by a friend, and I am super glad I was!

EngageMedia is a video sharing site focusing on social justice and environmental issues in South East Asia, Australia and the Pacific. It is a space for critical documentary, fiction, artistic and experimental works that challenge the dominance of the mainstream media.

The growth of digital distribution tools mean distributing video online has become a viable option for artists and activists looking for ways to get their work out there. Huge potential exists within these new technologies to bypass the control of big media conglomerates and create our own distribution channels.

EngageMedia aims to demystify and provide access to these new technologies, create an online archive of independent video productions using open content licenses and form a peer network of video makers, educators and screening organisations.

Fittingly, the 16min movie above is about the lack of independent news and media in Aotearoa, made by Auckland Indymedia. It examines who owns the main newspapers and radio in New Zealand, and shows that our media is not as objective as many believe. Sit back and watch, or check out the website where this and many other films live at EngageMedia.

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