I thought I would share 'Exploitation or Oppression/Subordination?', a section from Maria Mies' excellent book Patriarchy and Accumulation on a World Scale: Women and the International Division of Labour,
because it was really interesting and makes clear the common (and
uncommon) usages of the terms by feminists and class struggle folks.
"In the feminist discourse words are used to denoate and explain the
problem women are suffering from in our societies. The terms
'subordination' and 'oppression' are widely used to specify women's
position in a hierarchically structured system and the methods of
keeping them down. These concepts are used by women who would call
themselves radical feminists as well as by those who come from a Marxist
background or call themselves Marxist or socialist feminists. The
latter usually do not talk of exploitation when discussing the problems
of women because exploitation to them is a concept reserved for economic
exploitation of the wage-worker under capitalism. As women's grievances
go beyond those of wage-workers and part of the 'private' man-woman
relation, which is not seen as an exploitative one, but an oppressive
one, the term exploitation is avoided.
In the following discussion I shall, however, use the term
expoitation to identify the root cause of the oppressive man-woman
relationship. The reasons for this usage are the following:
When Marx specifies the particular capitalist form of exploitation
which, according to him, consists in the appropriation of surplus labour
by the capitalists, he uses this general term in a specific narrow
sense. But 'exploitation'... has a much wider connotation. In the last
analysis it means that someone gains something by robbing someone else
or is living at the expense of someone else. It is bound up with the
emergence of men's dominance over women and the dominance of one class
over others, or one people over others.
If we do not talk of exploitation when we talk of the man-woman
relationship, our talk about oppression, or subordination hangs
somewhere in the air, for why should men be oppressive towards women if
they had nothing to gain from it? Oppression or subordination, without
reference to exploitation, becomes then a purely cultural or ideological
matter, the basis of which cannot be made out, unless one has recourse
to the notion of some inborn aggressive or sadistic tendencies in men.
But exploitation is a historical - and not a biological or psychological
- category which lies at the basis of the man-woman relation. It was
historically created by patriarchal tribes and societies. Thus, with
Mariarosa Della Costa I speak of exploitation of women in the triple
sense: they are exploited (not only economically, but as human beings)
by men and they are exploited as housewives by capital. If they are
wage-workers they are also exploited as wage-workers. But even this
exploitation is determined and aggrevated by the other two forms of
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